
There’s no worse time to make decisions than when you’re going through a catastrophic weather event like Brisbane hail storms and floods—you can’t think straight and the world around you feels like its collapsing. Unfortunately, when Mother Nature hits, not even the strongest metal roofing can withstand the large hail in Brisbane that’s damaging our family homes and communities.

Knowing how to respond during a Brisbane hail storm or flood minimises both your emotional and financial stress while making the insurance claims process seamless. Handling claims is our specialty and what the team at Insurance Claims Group do best every single day.

From the time you lodge your claim until the time your home is repaired, we stand by you and help you all the way. So, in case your family home or investment property is damaged or even destroyed by a natural disaster, below are some valuable insurance claim tips to guide you through the process of lodging your insurance claim and repairing your storm damaged home.

1. Do a quick safety check and take measures to prevent more loss or damage to your home

Once the local government authorities or emergency services declare it safe to return to your home, do so but take some measures to stem further damage or losses from occurring. This can be through laying tarps on the roof or even boarding your windows. You can also make arrangements to have emergency make-safe repairs done in order to minimise losses—here you don’t need to get approval of your insurer first but ensure all original tax invoices are kept safe for when you lodge your insurance claim.

2. When you need a reliable partner, we are here

Insurance Claims Group’s team of experts claim handlers are always on standby before, during and after a storm and can always answer any query you may have regarding your insurance policy or claim. Contact us on 1800 424 768 now and receive special support each step of your claims process.

3. Get your Camera and notebook handy for gathering proof of the damage

To file a successful claim, first you need to proof that you suffered a loss. You can achieve this by:

a) Taking shots (lots of them) and even record a video of the damage done to the property before clean-up and submit to the insurance company.

b) List all the damaged items with detailed descriptions of each including serial numbers, brand and model.

NOTE: If you have to dispose an item that poses health risks such as a soaked carpet, be sure to keep pictures or samples of the damaged material.

4. Quotations for repairs

In most cases, insurers require two quotes for repairs, though this can prove challenging during a natural disaster. Hence, your insurer should be able to accept even one in the first instance (but if a second quote is required in order to quantify the insurance claim, your insurance company will notify you).

5. Storm damage report

Also known as a causation report, the report from the repairer helps insurance companies to quickly understand the cause of damage, thereby allowing an informed decision to be made when processing your claim. The report generally includes the cause and effects of the loss and damage. For instance, if the damage was caused by a storm, hail or rainwater, then a professional storm damage repairer will be able to describe how and why the rain or hail damaged your home.

6. Keep all your receipts safe

Receipts for any work done or materials purchased should be kept safe as you will need them when making a claim for the expenses incurred. After engaging Insurance Claims Group, we will absorb all of the related expenses and keep record for you as part of the in-demand claim handling service.

7. Armed with everything needed, now submit a claim

Our insurance claim experts in Brisbane are highly experienced, trained and ready to help with your insurance claim and repairs. Whilst our service takes the brunt of it for you, we still offer step by step support and guidance anytime you are in need. Our business is our customers so you can always count on us.

Need to lodge a claim? Whether for family home insurance, rental property insurance, holiday home insurance, or commercial properties, we are here to help.

Call our claims team anytime on 1800 424 768 or visit our online claims portal for more information.

Free Insurance Claim Consult

Need to speak to one of our experienced insurance Claim Handlers about your claim?
We will:

  • Offer you independent expert insurance claim advice
  • Let you know what your options are
  • Give you tips to ensure your claim gets resolved as quickly as possible

Lines open 24 hours 1800 424 768

Complete our claim support form

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